Flood affect in Bangladsh

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Flood affect in Bangladesh

A vital component that is essential to forming and https://www.toprevenuegate.com/qc3dwpq83?key=719f36191abe04b7cf77b3a076439b5a maintaining the ecosystem is water. Its importance extends much beyond only being used for drinking and the general balance of the world.  It should come as no surprise that no living creature can exist without water, yet it may also be harmful. Floods can have disastrous consequences.

Flooding of areas used for socio-economic activities produces a variety of negative impacts. Long term affect of infrastructure damage include power plant, Highways, bridges disruption in clean water, energy,  as well as education, health service, lost livelihood, less buying power, and decreased land value in the flood lowlands. Economic activity halts as a result of damaged or disturbed. Continued stress can be brought on by being uprooted from one's home, losing assists, and means of support and experiencing disruption in social and professional affairs. Even in nearby, non flooded areas, economic and commercial activities are also affected.    

The aftermath is terrible. Pollutants include sewage, industrial chemicals, garbage, and pesticides used on farms can pollute floodwater. Flooding incidents raise a risk for the development of Dysentery, Cholera, Malaria and Hepatitis A – fatal watery illnesses.

Floods has some minor contribution over the environment. It produce makes the land fertile. 


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